Community Supports for Mental Health

There are multiple mental health agencies and professionals that are available to assist you and your loved ones during this challenging time. Many are providing services at a distance via technology (phone, email and video conferencing). Please see the list of some local service providers below, there are also private counsellors/psychologists still taking clients if you contact your school FSLC they can provide you with some referral information.

This list may be added to as more info becomes available.

Family & Community Support Services (FCSS)

Available across Southern Alberta

FCSS Counselling Services

Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD)


Cardston Area Mental Health

Cardston Addiction and Mental Health Services

Raymond Area Mental Health

Raymond Addiction and Mental Health Services

Lethbridge Area Mental Health

Lethbridge Child and Adolescent Mental Health Program

 Key Connections 

Lethbridge Counselling Services

Lethbridge Family Services

Family Ties
